# Starter Kit
Original Josh package contains many pages and components, but all developers may not need them and removing un-wanted pages can be time-consuming. so we came up with starter kit (seeder kit) which contains
- only admin panel (no frontend)
- authentication & authorization features (i.e. users and groups section)
- crud generator
- empty dashboard
# Installation
Installation of the starter kit is the same as regular josh, so please refer to regular installation
# Adding pages from Josh
If you are trying to add a page which doesn't have any third-party plugins included (ex: general components) then you can just add that page.
if a page contains, third party plugins included
i.e. you see some code in header_styles
or footer_scripts
then you may need to add them.
for the sake of this doc, let's assume you want to add select2
then you need to do the following steps ( for all plugins, it will be almost same)
# Install Plugin
first copy select2
and select2BootstrapTheme
packages from josh package.json and paste into starter kit package.json
Run yarn install which will copy those packages into node_modules folder
Check if the packages are downloaded to node_modules directory
# copying assets to public path
In webpack.mix.js
use mix.copy
- First copy the vendor directory path in the paths object
var paths = {
'select2': vendors + 'select2/dist/',
'select2BootstrapTheme': vendors + 'select2-bootstrap-theme/dist/'
- copy the plugins you needed to public directory.
mix.copy(paths.select2 + 'css/select2.min.css', destVendors + 'select2/css');
you can copy the path and the mix.copy
from josh webpack.mix.js
and paste into starter kit webpack.mix.js
we have added self-explanatory path variable name and for each plugin mix.copy
added a comment which has the name of the plugin
Also, copy the necessary custom CSS files to resources/css
directory and js files to resources/js/
maintaining path.
Then run npm run dev
to copy the plugin files to the public
Then you can use the corresponding page from full josh into starter kit