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10.2 - 2024-07-22


  • Updated the UI framework from Bootstrap 4.6 to Bootstrap 5.3.
  • Updated all dependencies to their latest and stable versions.
  • New pages added in left-menu:
  • Added new plug-ins:
    View list of new plug-ins added
    • Tui-chart
    • Tui-grid
    • Tui-pagination
    • Apexcharts
    • Dayjs
    • Tail-select
    • Tom-select
    • Moment
    • Metismenujs
    • Overlayscrollbars
    • @popperjs/core
    • Simple-datatables
  • Updated plug-ins:
    View list of updated plug-ins
    • Animate.css
    • Bootstrap
    • Fontawesome
    • Select2
    • Chart.js
    • Datatbles
    • jQuery
    • Pdfmake
    • Perfectscrollbar
    • Sweetalert2
  • Deleted plug-ins:
    View list of deleted plug-ins
    • jquery-backstretch
    • popper.js
    • metismenu
    • wenk
  • Separated the CSS styles into separate files.
  • Separated the JS code.
  • Used strict mode to enforce stricter parsing and error handling in JavaScript
  • Removed unused dependencies to reduce bloat.
  • Removed inline & internal CSS.
  • Removed internal JS code.
  • Removed unused & commented code


  • Updated the UI framework from Bootstrap 4.6 to Bootstrap 5.3.
  • Updated all dependencies to their latest and stable versions.
  • New pages added in left-menu:
  • Added new plug-ins:
    View list of new plug-ins added
    • Tui-chart
    • Tui-grid
    • Tui-pagination
    • Apexcharts
    • Dayjs
    • Tail-select
    • Tom-select
    • Vanilla-picker
    • Metismenujs
    • @popperjs/core
    • Simple-datatables
  • Updated plug-ins:
    View list of updated plug-ins
    • Air-datepicker
    • Animate.css
    • Bootstrap
    • Backbone
    • Blueimp
    • Bootstrap-colorpicker
    • Bootstrao-datepicker
    • Bootstrap-daterangepicker.js
    • Bootstrap-fileinput
    • Bootstrap-maxlength
    • Bootstrap-multiselect
    • Bootstrap-slider
    • Bootstrap-star-rating
    • Bootstrap-touchspin
    • c3
    • card
    • Chartjs
    • Ckeditor
    • Countup.js
    • d3
    • Datatables
    • devicon
    • Dropzone
    • eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker
    • Flatpickr
    • Flot
    • Fontawesome
    • Frappe-Charts
    • Full-Calendar
    • Hoverjs
    • html5sortable
    • Inputmask
    • intl-tel-input
    • Ion-rangeslider
    • isotope-layout
    • jasny-bootstrap
    • jquery
    • jquery-jeditable
    • jquery-mockjax
    • js-beautify
    • jstree
    • jtable
    • Masonry-layout
    • Mixitup
    • modernizer
    • Pdfmake
    • Pickdate
    • Rahael
    • Select2
    • Selectize
    • Simple-line-icons
    • Starability
    • Summernote
    • Sweetalert2
    • Tinymce
    • Trumbowyg
    • Underscore
  • Deleted plug-ins:
    View list of deleted plug-ins
    • popper.js
  • Separated the CSS styles into separate files.
  • Separated the JS code.
  • Used strict mode to enforce stricter parsing and error handling in JavaScript
  • Removed unused dependencies to reduce bloat.
  • Removed inline & internal CSS.
  • Removed internal JS code.
  • Removed unused & commented code
  • Removed pages from leftmenu:flot charts, form-buider

7.1.8 - 2021-01-19


  • If table name already exists, builder throws error message
  • No spaces, extra characters allowed for fields
  • Only valid mysql table field names are allowed for field names
  • Throws error if repeated field name exists
  • Throws error if user tries to create field names like id created_at etc
  • Removed prefix as it is confusing
  • When submitted form, submit button is disabled to prevent double clicking
  • When any error is thrown, submit button is disabled automatically untix that bug is fixed.
  • Replaced faker package (as original one is archived)


  • Fixed small bug in postLogin@AuthController
  • Frontend login fields are mandatory now
  • Replaced faker package

7.1.7 - 2020-12-05


  • Crud builder page improved


  • fixed issue with php 7.4 join signature change

7.1.6 - 2020-11-18


  • Fixed: crud builder data table content not loading

7.1.5 - 2020-11-10


  • Fixed few issues with socialite and social logins

7.1.4 - 2020-11-05


  • Fixed few issues with log viewer page

7.1.3 - 2020-10-21

  • Fixed issue with v2 auth css files missing

7.1.2 - 2020-10-07

  • Fixed issue with blog module

7.1.1 - 2020-09-30

  • Fixed issue with infy om generator
  • Updating blog post doesn't require uploading image again

7.1.1 - 2020-09-30

Fixed issue with seeders

7.1 - 2020-09-28

Released Laravel 8 Version

7.0.1 - 2020-05-06

Released v2 alpha-2.

  • Login, Register pages added
  • code background color changed to gradient.

7.0 - 2020-05-09

Released v2 alpha1.

Beginning of a new era in Josh.

v6.2.2 - 2020-05-08

Regular version

  • fixed issue with jquery-spinner name change

    We moved repo to github and if you need access, please contact through support or profile page.

v6.2.1 - 2020-04-30

Regular version

  • fixed issue with blog module

v6.2 - 2020-03-19

Regular version

Laravel 7 version released

v6.1.3 - 2020-02-25

Regular version

  • lockscreen works with backend
  • refactored lockscreen.css and renamed to lockscreen.scss

    Little by little becomes a lot.

v6.1.2 - 2020-02-09

Starter kit

  • Fixed crud issues
  • deps update

Regular version

  • deps update

If patience is worth anything, it must endure to the end of time. And a living faith will last in the midst of the blackest storm.

v6.1.1 - 2020-01-20

  • updated to latest laravel
  • added starter 6 version.

The best road to progress is freedom's road.

v6.1 - 2019-12-13

  • updated to latest laravel
  • updated to latest bootstrap
  • moved frontend css to scss
  • started implementing sass 7-1 pattern
  • in the process removed more than 5000 lines of obsolete css code so sites should load faster

Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.

v6.0 - 2019-11-05

Released Stable Laravel 6 version.

v6.0 - beta3 - 2019-10-10


this is a beta version and some pages won't work like dashboard and charts pages

we will be publishing new updates shortly fixing those pages

  • Swapped index and index1 in admin section
  • Added News seeder
  • modified DummyUsers Seeder a bit
  • Added Blog Seeder
  • converted array to [] syntax
  • News
    • uploading image is not mandatory
    • show fallback icon if image is not uploaded
    • improved UI
  • dashboard charts working
    • removed countries as charts doesn't support google charts anymore
    • replaced it with google analytics user types data ( new vs returning visitors)

v6.0 - beta2 - 2019-09-19


this is a beta version and some pages won't work like dashboard and charts pages

we will be publishing new updates shortly fixing those pages

  • Laravel charts are working now
  • to support laravel charts, we have added frappe and highcharts npm packages
  • removed some unwanted deps

V6.0 - beta1 - 2019-09-13


this is a beta version and some pages won't work like dashboard and charts pages

we will be publishing new updates shortly fixing those pages

This is the initial release supporting Laravel 6 LTS.

Moving forward we will remove laravel 5.5 and laravel 5.8 files and only provide laravel 6 files.

You can still download previous version files from our git repo.