# 12.0 - Submitted for review
- Updated to Laravel 12
- Modified apex charts for both v1 and v2 with realistic data, please see for yourself.
# 11.1 - 15-03-2025
This is a major update for V2!
We've made significant behind-the-scenes improvements, optimized the codebase, and streamlined styling by replacing redundant CSS classes with Bootstrap for better efficiency and maintainability. Plus, we've introduced several other enhancements to improve performance and usability.
# V2
# Major Updates 🚀
- Added Users management UI
- Added Roles management UI
- Added new toast notifications docs , added a laravel helper and javascript helper for toast notifications
- Added Laravel's built-in email verification feature, allowing users to be automatically verified upon registration based on the AUTH_AUTO_VERIFY_EMAIL environment variable.
- Replaced user activation status flags with soft deletes for user deactivation, enhancing data integrity and management.
- Updated user registration and management views to support email verification and profile image uploads.
- Refactored user controller methods to handle email verification and profile image management.
- Removed the CheckUserActivation middleware as it is no longer necessary.
- Introduced new JavaScript functionality for user management, including verification toggling and improved data handling.
- Updated environment configuration and migration for soft deletes in the users table.
- Replaced the
plugin with a customized version ofiziToast
, making it more efficient and removing another dependency on jQuery
# V1
- Added Apex charts with following chart types:
- Line charts
- Area charts
- Column charts
- Bar charts
- Mixed charts
- Range area charts
- Timeline charts
- Funnel charts
- Candlestick charts
- Box plot charts
- Bubble charts
- Scatter charts
- Heatmap charts
- Treemap
- Slope charts
- Pie
- Radial bar charts
- Radar charts
- Polar Area charts
# 11.0.3 - 2024-12-24
# v1
New Additions:
- Added the
error logging package. IfSENTRY_LARAVEL_DSN
is provided in.env
, it will log errors; otherwise, it will be ignored. - Added the Faker image package to generate and download random images for fake data purposes.
- Improved frontend
module UI. - Updated
to include images, categories, and comments. - Updated
examples. - Updated
# 11.0.2 - 2024-11-05
# v1
- CRUD generates files using Bootstrap 5 and the latest DataTables when the DataTables option is chosen.
- If keys are not provided,
is disabled to avoid console errors.
# v2
- No longer uses
; replaced withjust-validate
# 11.0.1 - 2024-10-12
# v1
- Moved notication related logic from AppServiceProvider to SentinelAdmin middleware
- Refactored Email related pages and its code, fixed UI issues
- Updated
button builder
page as per bootstrap 5 standard for creating block level button - Fixed alignment issues in login, register etc pages
# 11.0 - 2024-10-07
One of the biggest updates ever in Josh: Upgraded from Bootstrap 4 to Bootstrap 5, and from Laravel 10 to Laravel 11.
We've made numerous behind-the-scenes changes, improved the codebase, removed many redundant CSS classes, and replaced them with Bootstrap classes, among other updates.
You may not notice many visible changes, but we've made significant improvements to the code.
# v2
Modified CRUD builder code and refactored much of the codebase:
- Database names now use the correct plural form of model names, e.g., child → children.
- Rollback now deletes all files.
- Rollback checks whether a table exists and warns if it contains any data before deletion.
- show sweetalert when crud is generated
- datatables buttons issue fixed
# Other improvements
- cleaned up redundant css.
- replaced many css classes with bootstrap 5 classes.
- replaced
. datatables
now uses JS initialization.select2
now uses bootstrap5 theme.
New Additions:
- Added TUI Grid tables
- added ApexCharts
- added TUI Charts
# 10.2 - 2024-07-22
# V2
- Updated the UI framework from Bootstrap 4.6 to Bootstrap 5.3.
- Updated all dependencies to their latest and stable versions.
- New pages added in left-menu:
- Added new plug-ins:
View list of new plug-ins added
- Tui-chart
- Tui-grid
- Tui-pagination
- Apexcharts
- Dayjs
- Tail-select
- Tom-select
- Moment
- Metismenujs
- Overlayscrollbars
- @popperjs/core
- Simple-datatables
- Updated plug-ins:
View list of updated plug-ins
- Animate.css
- Bootstrap
- Fontawesome
- Select2
- Chart.js
- Datatbles
- jQuery
- Pdfmake
- Perfectscrollbar
- Sweetalert2
- Deleted plug-ins:
View list of deleted plug-ins
- jquery-backstretch
- popper.js
- metismenu
- wenk
- Separated the CSS styles into separate files.
- Separated the JS code.
- Used strict mode to enforce stricter parsing and error handling in JavaScript
- Removed unused dependencies to reduce bloat.
- Removed inline & internal CSS.
- Removed internal JS code.
- Removed unused & commented code
# V1
- Updated the UI framework from Bootstrap 4.6 to Bootstrap 5.3.
- Updated all dependencies to their latest and stable versions.
- New pages added in left-menu:
- Added new plug-ins:
View list of new plug-ins added
- Tui-chart
- Tui-grid
- Tui-pagination
- Apexcharts
- Dayjs
- Tail-select
- Tom-select
- Vanilla-picker
- Metismenujs
- @popperjs/core
- Simple-datatables
- Updated plug-ins:
View list of updated plug-ins
- Air-datepicker
- Animate.css
- Bootstrap
- Backbone
- Blueimp
- Bootstrap-colorpicker
- Bootstrao-datepicker
- Bootstrap-daterangepicker.js
- Bootstrap-fileinput
- Bootstrap-maxlength
- Bootstrap-multiselect
- Bootstrap-slider
- Bootstrap-star-rating
- Bootstrap-touchspin
- c3
- card
- Chartjs
- Ckeditor
- Countup.js
- d3
- Datatables
- devicon
- Dropzone
- eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker
- Flatpickr
- Flot
- Fontawesome
- Frappe-Charts
- Full-Calendar
- Hoverjs
- html5sortable
- Inputmask
- intl-tel-input
- Ion-rangeslider
- isotope-layout
- jasny-bootstrap
- jquery
- jquery-jeditable
- jquery-mockjax
- js-beautify
- jstree
- jtable
- Masonry-layout
- Mixitup
- modernizer
- Pdfmake
- Pickdate
- Rahael
- Select2
- Selectize
- Simple-line-icons
- Starability
- Summernote
- Sweetalert2
- Tinymce
- Trumbowyg
- Underscore
- Deleted plug-ins:
View list of deleted plug-ins
- popper.js
- Separated the CSS styles into separate files.
- Separated the JS code.
- Used strict mode to enforce stricter parsing and error handling in JavaScript
- Removed unused dependencies to reduce bloat.
- Removed inline & internal CSS.
- Removed internal JS code.
- Removed unused & commented code
- Removed pages from leftmenu:flot charts, form-buider
# 7.1.8 - 2021-01-19
# V2
- If table name already exists, builder throws error message
- No spaces, extra characters allowed for fields
- Only valid mysql table field names are allowed for field names
- Throws error if repeated field name exists
- Throws error if user tries to create field names like
etc - Removed
as it is confusing - When submitted form, submit button is disabled to prevent double clicking
- When any error is thrown, submit button is disabled automatically untix that bug is fixed.
- Replaced faker package (as original one is archived)
# V1
- Fixed small bug in
- Frontend login fields are mandatory now
- Replaced faker package
# 7.1.7 - 2020-12-05
# v2
- Crud builder page improved
# v1
- fixed issue with php 7.4
signature change
# 7.1.6 - 2020-11-18
# v2
- Fixed: crud builder data table content not loading
# 7.1.5 - 2020-11-10
# v1
- Fixed few issues with socialite and social logins
# 7.1.4 - 2020-11-05
# v1
- Fixed few issues with log viewer page
# 7.1.3 - 2020-10-21
- Fixed issue with v2 auth css files missing
# 7.1.2 - 2020-10-07
- Fixed issue with blog module
# 7.1.1 - 2020-09-30
- Fixed issue with infy om generator
- Updating blog post doesn't require uploading image again
# 7.1.1 - 2020-09-30
Fixed issue with seeders
# 7.1 - 2020-09-28
Released Laravel 8 Version
# 7.0.1 - 2020-05-06
Released v2 alpha-2.
- Login, Register pages added
background color changed to gradient.
# 7.0 - 2020-05-09
Released v2 alpha1.
Beginning of a new era in Josh.
# v6.2.2 - 2020-05-08
# Regular version
- fixed issue with
name changeWe moved repo to github and if you need access, please contact through support (opens new window) or profile page (opens new window).
# v6.2.1 - 2020-04-30
# Regular version
- fixed issue with blog module
# v6.2 - 2020-03-19
# Regular version
Laravel 7 version released
# v6.1.3 - 2020-02-25
# Regular version
- lockscreen works with backend
- refactored lockscreen.css and renamed to lockscreen.scss
Little by little becomes a lot.
# v6.1.2 - 2020-02-09
# Starter kit
- Fixed crud issues
- deps update
# Regular version
- deps update
If patience is worth anything, it must endure to the end of time. And a living faith will last in the midst of the blackest storm.
# v6.1.1 - 2020-01-20
- updated to latest laravel
- added starter 6 version.
The best road to progress is freedom's road.
# v6.1 - 2019-12-13
- updated to latest laravel
- updated to latest bootstrap
- moved frontend
- started implementing sass
pattern - in the process removed more than 5000 lines of obsolete css code so sites should load faster
Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.
# v6.0 - 2019-11-05
Released Stable Laravel 6 version.
# v6.0 - beta3 - 2019-10-10
this is a beta version and some pages won't work like dashboard and charts pages
we will be publishing new updates shortly fixing those pages
- Swapped
in admin section - Added News seeder
- modified DummyUsers Seeder a bit
- Added Blog Seeder
- converted
syntax - News
- uploading image is not mandatory
- show fallback icon if image is not uploaded
- improved UI
- dashboard charts working
- removed countries as charts doesn't support google charts anymore
- replaced it with google analytics user types data ( new vs returning visitors)
# v6.0 - beta2 - 2019-09-19
this is a beta version and some pages won't work like dashboard and charts pages
we will be publishing new updates shortly fixing those pages
- Laravel charts are working now
- to support laravel charts, we have added frappe and highcharts npm packages
- removed some unwanted deps
# V6.0 - beta1 - 2019-09-13
this is a beta version and some pages won't work like dashboard and charts pages
we will be publishing new updates shortly fixing those pages
This is the initial release supporting Laravel 6 LTS.
Moving forward we will remove laravel 5.5 and laravel 5.8 files and only provide laravel 6 files.
You can still download previous version files from our git repo.